4-Step Checklist for a Profitable Website
A pretty website isn’t enough. You need a profitable website.
To make that happen, you need to get clear on the “who, what, and why” of your site before you design it. This 4-step checklist will get you there.

“I rarely comment on blogs, but I thought it is just not fair that you have no “thank yous” here for such great informative content. This is exactly what I have been looking for.
Also, I wanted to complement you on the sleek and uncluttered design of your site. It’s just pleasant to be here.”
![AI & Interior Design: Takeaways from the AI User Conference [part 2]](
AI & Interior Design: Takeaways from the AI User Conference [part 2]
"AI does not have taste." This out of the mouth of a presenter at the A.I. User Conference I attended while he was demoing how to create an AI-generated website. "Finally somebody said it." was the thought bubble floating over my head. Over the last day and a half, I'd witnessed demo after demo of AI startup technology and I noticed a recurring theme.
![A.I. & Interior Design: Will AI Replace Interior Designers? [part 1]](
A.I. & Interior Design: Will AI Replace Interior Designers? [part 1]
Let's talk AI. I’ve been dipping my toes into it lately. I went to an AI Meetup for designers in San Francisco a few weeks ago, I’ve dabbled in ChatGPT and Midjourney more since, and I’m off to an AI Users conference back in SF at the beginning of next week. One day is A.I. for marketers and the next is A.I. for designers. I’m passing on the A.I. for developers day - a bit of CSS in Squarespace is my limit, and besides, that's way too many socially awkward guys per square foot.

Pricing Interior Design Services
Figuring out pricing is one of the most challenging parts of any interior design business. Flat fee? Hourly? The debate rages on. I’ll introduce the two basic models - hourly and flat fees, provide my two cents based on my experience (pun intended), but know that this is one of the most open-ended topics concerning any design business and there’s no perfect answer.
![Interior Design Marketing [11 Strategies to Grow Your Business]](
Interior Design Marketing [11 Strategies to Grow Your Business]
When it comes to growing your interior design business, marketing is every bit as important as your design skills. There are uber successful designers out there who are no doubt talented, but who knows if they’re in fact the “most talented.” One thing's for sure, if a designer has a big business, they have marketing “talent” as well. You can too! Check out the post:

How “Defensible Interior Design” Can Help Your Business During Tough Times
Facing tighter budgets and clients who are asking for more design and purchasing decision justification forces us as designers to look at things anew and really consider our decisions. Working with constraints isn’t always fun, but it can make us better designers.

The 80-20 Rule & Interior Design Business
Not every client, project, employee, or marketing effort yields the same results per work and resource inputs. I bet you're nodding your head in agreement. (Don't hurt your neck!😁) So says the Pareto Principle, experience, and common sense. So if 80% of our results come from 20% of the work, let's figure out what that 20% is and do more of it!