4-Step Checklist for a Profitable Website

A pretty website isn’t enough. You need a profitable website.

To make that happen, you need to get clear on the who, what, and why of your site before you design it. This 4-step checklist will get you there.

I rarely comment on blogs, but I thought it is just not fair that you have no “thank yous” here for such great informative content. This is exactly what I have been looking for.

Also, I wanted to complement you on the sleek and uncluttered design of your site. It’s just pleasant to be here.
5 Service Business Website Must-Haves To Convert Visitors Into Clients
Website Design, Service Provider Tina Flint Huffman Website Design, Service Provider Tina Flint Huffman

5 Service Business Website Must-Haves To Convert Visitors Into Clients

As a service business owner, you already know the details matter. The extra care you take with your clients? They notice! It’s a lot of what sets you apart from your competition. The same is true for your website. “Small” details make a big difference. So we’ll cover 5 that matter for getting leads and making sales.

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21 Reasons Why Squarespace Is Ideal For Small Business
Lead Generation, Website Design Tina Flint Huffman Lead Generation, Website Design Tina Flint Huffman

21 Reasons Why Squarespace Is Ideal For Small Business

Are you a small business owner trying to figure out the best website builder for your business? Squarespace vs. Showit vs. WordPress vs…? With all the choices, the overwhelm is real. I’ve been creating websites since before Squarespace existed, and I’ll show you why I believe Squarespace is hands down the best website builder to serve small business and service providers.

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Worried AI Will Steal Your Work? Squarespace Has Your Back!
Artificial Intelligence Tina Flint Huffman Artificial Intelligence Tina Flint Huffman

Worried AI Will Steal Your Work? Squarespace Has Your Back!

POV: Your website, a virtual showcase of your services and achievements, suddenly finds its unique flair and hard-earned content mirrored on a stranger's site, thanks to AI's sneaky antics. But no worries! Why? Because Squarespace is stepping up as your stylish, savvy guardian, ensuring your digital domain remains exclusively yours.

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Build a Service Business Client Pipeline with a Lead Magnet
Tina Flint Huffman Tina Flint Huffman

Build a Service Business Client Pipeline with a Lead Magnet

POP QUIZ: Which interior designer will get more newsletter signups (and ultimately get more clients)? A. The one with a form box that says “Sign up for our great newsletter.” B. The one with a free download addressing a pain-point or interest of their ideal clients that closely aligns with the designer’s main service or product?

If you guessed “B” then you get the gold star! ⭐

Whether you're a fresh face in the interior design world or transitioning from seasoned employee to pioneering business owner, standing out and attracting your ideal clients is a challenge.

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